Love at First Note: The Music Inside the Book

I’m sure you couldn’t tell from the cover and title, but Love at First Note is a pretty musical book. And if I do say so myself, it’s got an incredible playlist. I never could have written a book all about music without the help of my older sister, Emily, who happens to be a professional musician. She answered so many questions and helped me land on the pieces that were just right for Emma and Elliott. She sent me links. She suggested concertos and nocturnes and movements and never hesitated to pull back the curtain on the inner workings of the symphony.

So I’m proud of this playlist. Emily and I worked hard to make sure it was an accurate reflection of my characters down to the  very last note. And so I want to share that playlist with all of you! This is all classical stuff. Great for studying. For writing. For lounging on the grass and staring up at the clouds as they float across a Carolina blue sky. I hope you’ll read the book, then come back and listen! (Even better . . . listen as you read?)

Without further ado: The music of Love at First Note


Now, I can’t pretend like the book is ALL classical, not with Elliott and his rock star edge. After all, what made him famous was “pianos in weird places” a la Piano Guys or William Joseph.

A piano in the middle of a lake? Um, sure. Why not?

Happy reading . . . and Happy Listening!